Ringing in the new year is a special celebration, but that same ringing is an alarm sounding in a dog’s ear.
Many of our pets can experience stress during this time of year because of the loud noises and it will only become more aggravated once fireworks start. Tenured dog owners know good preparation can keep a dog calm and avoid unnecessary pet anxiety.
While these recommendations are gears towards anxious dogs, many can be adapted for felines as well.
Home Preparation
Making time to create a safe space with ample distractions is key. Begin by taking your dog on a long walk to burn energy and tired them out.
From there, it’s important to try and muffle the firework noises as much as possible. Using a whitenoise machine or creating a mellow playlist can help with this. Surround them with their favorite toys like kong interactive puzzle toys, which give them something mentally stimulating to focus on.
Level up the zen in this safe place by including a diffuser with pheromones. This is a great finishing touch to be sure your pets ever sense is encouraged to relax.

For those pets with sensitive nerves, there are clothing options meant to ease anxiety. Thundershirts and anxiety wraps are popular options, but be sure to stock up in advance of New Year’s Eve or Independence Day, as they can sell out fast.
Calming Supplements
Another popular option are supplements created to encourage relaxation. CBD is often promoted to help dogs with stress relief as well as other ailments. Be sure to select a CBD product with proper credentials and testing.
Other holistic calming supplements include products like melatonin, chamomile, and tryptophan.
Anxiety Medications
Pet parents caring for animals with separation anxiety and other chronic stress conditions know these special occasions can be traumatizing. It hurts to see the animals we love go through so much emotional pain and in some circumstances, it may make sense to talk to a trusted veterinarian about situational sedatives.
Having this conversation about your pet’s health can be difficult, but can be a valid solution for some pet owners.
Safety Precautions
While all these steps may be enough to keep a pet relaxed at home, it’s always important to prepare for the worst as well. Many animal’s reaction to stressful situations is to run away.
Be sure your pets are properly microchipped and have a clear id tag to avoid losing your dog. This little step could be the difference between being reunited or not.
As beautiful as the bright lights and joyful squeals of delight may be, we know they can cause confusion for our furry family members. Considering their thoughts and feelings will ensure we all have a safe and happy start to the new year!
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