Since I got my very own kitten, I’ve been met with strange looks and double takes. Not because he’s so adorable (although he really is), but because we always find ourselves together in places where one wouldn’t expect to see a cat.
When I first got Larry, I did not realize that I was soon to become the person who would literally die for their cat, and tout him around in his little carrier like I’m on Real Housewives of Beverly Hills (don’t worry, Larry doesn’t wear clothes.. yet). And so, I decided he would be an office cat.
The first time I did leave him home alone while I went to work, I felt like I was dropping off my child at kindergarten. I gave him one last hug, he swiftly slapped me across the face just like the ornery little kitten he was. “Isn’t he just the best?” I thought.
I was so unsure about bringing Larry to work at first. I think his malicious, snarky attitude is endearing; but would my coworkers?
But as the days went by, leaving him at home became growingly more difficult, and my coworkers all encouraged me to bring him in, so I finally decided it was time. Besides, I have to work for a living, so why shouldn’t he?
The morning came, I put on his little bowtie (our office is business casual, but I always tell him, dress for the job you WANT, not the job you have), I gathered all of his things, and headed out the door.
There are some essentials I needed to pack for the office:
- Food
- Food Bowls
- Treats
- Lots of Toys
- Litter Box
As I neared the office, nervous butterflies began fluttering in the pit of my stomach. I was still relatively new to the job, what if my naughty cat drives everyone crazy?
I was also nervous that Larry would be mortified by all of the new sights, sounds, and smells, but when I opened his carrier, and he sauntered out like he was the new CEO.
With his confidence came a slew of misbehaviors that had me chasing him around the office for a good part of the morning. His favorite thing to do was to wedge himself under our computer stands, and take swipes at your fingers as you type.
After a few hours of craziness, he would succumb to his cat nap. He’d do a big stretch and bury his teeny face with his paws. If that doesn’t melt your heart, I don’t know what will.
Once Larry fell asleep, every one tiptoed around the office; careful not to slam doors, or even talk above a whisper. The power this tiny little kitten had over 8 full grown adults was amazing.
I wouldn’t recommend bringing a cat to work unless your coworkers are animal lovers. However, I work with the biggest animal lovers in the state, so Larry soon became the star of the office.
My little furball brought the office together in a way I never expected. Instead of staring mindlessly at our screens all day, we were laughing and coming together as a team and even- friends.

As I sit here in my home office, I can’t help but to look back on the days that I had my little baby prancing around the office. Even though it seemed stressful at the time, I can look back on it as the fondest of memories.
So, if you’re wondering if it’s a good idea to bring your cat to work, I would say to always read the situation. No cat is the same, and not all coworkers are the same.
Definitely check to see if everyone is okay with it, and also be sure to check that no one is allergic. Also be sure that your cat is going to be comfortable. If you think the change of scenery would be too dramatic for them, just keep them at home.
That being said, just because they’re cats doesn’t mean their lives should be confined to your home. So, go ahead, bring your cat to work!

Fancy yourself a cat lover?
How to Stop a Cat from Scratching Furniture
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