Some amazing rescue missions happened this past month! The extraordinary efforts of rescuers was only possible because of the community coming to their aid. The CUDDLY Club has become a lifeline to so many, including Wally.
Wally is a tiny 4-week-old kitten who was stuck in a very narrow gap between two buildings for 4 days straight! After about 6 hours of trying, many different tools/poles, the crew was able to get Wally out and rushed him to the hospital.
Today, Wally is out of the hospital. He’s happy, eating on his own, and loves snuggling with his stuffed elephant.
Wally’s is just one story made happier because all of you. There are more happening every day!
Some other rescued animals supported in July
Crumpet: Sweet Girl Hit By Car Will Never Walk Again
Ace: Flies Ate His Ears
Jimmy: The Verge Of Death Even After Being Saved From Euthanasia
Orphaned Bottle Babies: Two Week Old Babies, Orphaned On The Street
- Pick your monthly donation amount
- CUDDLY sends the most needed supplies on the animal’s wishlist
- We send you updates on the animals you’ve helped saved each month
Not part of the CUDDLY Club yet? Join Today!

Read more:
Rescued Dogs Rescue People – Zach Skow’s Pawsitive Change Program