All across the United States, businesses deemed non-essential are being closed to the public – including dog groomers. And while I can understand the logic behind this, the more time I spend at home with my dogs, the more essential I’m understanding dog grooming to be. Because while a 60 pound Golden Retriever sure is cute to look at, his smell is less charming than ever before. (I still love you, Finn!)
While it’s incredibly important for ourselves to be practicing good hygiene, such as washing our hands and grooming regularly, it’s just as important for us to be properly grooming our furry friends too. After all, a clean body is a healthy body.
Here at CUDDLY, we understand that it’s a scary time, and that there are so many things that we cannot control. But our hygiene and the hygiene of our pets is not one of them. And let me tell you, there are SO many benefits to giving your dog a bath. Here’s what it can do.
– Provides your pet with physical stimulation.
– Cleans any unwanted dirt and bacteria off of your furry friend.
– Offers you an outlet to destress and decompress
– Helps you save money on dog grooming expenses
– Provides a good bonding experience with your pet.
Plus, your home and your family will THANK you. This list goes on and on. So, tie up your hair and get ready to get your hands dirty. Not sure where to start? Here’s how I did it.
In an effort to get some sunshine while washing my pups, I brought them all into the backyard (with some helpers) and took off their collars and tags. Then it was time to get the water running.
I sprayed them down first before applying any soap and rubbed their bodies down with my fingers. (Spraying them down first and moving your hands along their fur helps loosen any dirt hiding in their fur.)
Next, I lathered dog shampoo into their fur until it was nice and bubbly. If you don’t have dog shampoo at home, you can use always Original Dawn Dish Soap to wash down your pet. It’s safe and sensitive enough for animal skin.
Tip: When washing your pups, make sure to wear clothes that you don’t mind getting wet. Why? Because of WATER SHAKES.
– Paws and in between their toe digits
– Under their armpits
– Behind their ears
– Above and beneath their tail
After I scrubbed all I could, I rinsed them both down again, revealing their clean and shiny coats.
After I finished washing away all the excess soap, I went ahead and rubbed both down with a towel and watched them both run around the yard for a good 30 minutes. It was AMAZING. Not only did I accomplish something, but I helped both of them feel great in a time that is not so great.
You see, the power of grooming is underestimated by so many out there. But the internal and external benefits of keeping up with proper dog-hygiene are truly unlimited. You feel good, they feel good – it’s a win win.
So, with all that said, make sure to take care of yourself AND your furry friends. Stay strong. Stay kind.
Stay clean.
While you’re lathering in the soap, make sure to really scrub in these small areas where dirt and bacteria like to hang out.

Please note that if your pet has excess fur or, perhaps, is excessively dirty, then you may need to lather soap in more than once.
Want to learn some other helpful tips for your pet?