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Opening your heart and home to a new kitten is such a joyful time. Adopting a new family member is no small venture on it’s own, so taking the steps to keep them happy and healthy is the best kind of investment.
For many first time kitten parents, it can feel daunting to start gathering supplies. There are five basics that will set any pet parent up for success.
Scratching Post
Your new cat is going to have a lot of energy and to avoid any trouble with your furniture, you’ll want a scratching post. A scratching post has many added benefits beyond saying your couch, so it’s an important part of keeping your new pet healthy.
Litter Box
It’s gotta go somewhere and for many new cat owners, this is the most important decision they’ll make. Clay or pine, hooded or self-cleaning, the options depend so much on your home and cat.
Don’t be afraid of trial and error here, but generally, young kittens should not be around clumping due to their mischievous nature. It’s safer to start with non-clumping and transition as they age.
Water Bowl
Hydration is one the most important elements to keeping a cat healthy. This means having an easily accessible water bowl and to keep fresh water in the dish.

Kitten Food
When choosing your kitten’s food, keep an eye on what stage of life the food is meant for. Wet cat food will support their hydration and dry food will keep their teeth cleaner.
The rescue you are adopting from may offer a recommendation to start with based off what they have been eating. To go easier on their stomach, slowly transition to a new food instead of making an abrupt transition.
I.D. Tag
A collar and tag are helpful if your cat does get out, but it is possible they may slip out of outward identification. Be sure your cat is microchipped and it is registered so they can be returned to you if they wander off.
Bonus Tips
Before bringing your kitten home, be sure your home is kitten-proof. That means securing windows, moving toxic house plants, and hiding electrical cords.
Their new surrounding may be overwhelming, so take the time to make a space for them to be comfortable. This may include a cat bed, cat toys, and a cat tree with a little catnip to entice them.
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