1. What does your dog fetch?
a. Tennis ball
b. Sticks
c. Absolutely anything
d. Toys
2. Where do you take your pet to play fetch?
a. Dog park
b. Home
c. Dog beach
d. Anywhere with a big open space
3. What’s your dog’s zodiac sign?
a. Aries, Taurus, Gemini
b. Cancer, Leo, Virgo
c. Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius
d. Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
4. What Harry Potter house would your dog be in?
a. Gryffindor (honest, trusting, playful)
b. Ravenclaw (intelligent, loves to learn new tricks, independent)
c. Slytherin (charming, bold, determined)
d. Hufflepuff (passionate, dependable, patient)
5. If your dog was stranded on an island, what’s the one item they would bring?
a. You, duh
b. A big comfy couch
c. Your shoe
d. Their favorite toy
6. What would you call your dog besides their name?
a. Puppy
b. Chonk
c. Damnit *insert name*
d. Bubs
7. If your dog could travel anywhere in the world, where would they go?
a. The Appalachian mountains for the hike of their life
b. Italy to eat all the carbs
c. Hawaii to surf with the dolphins
d. New York to walk around the big apple (and take a bite)
8. What’s the most useless talent your dog has?
a. Barking at all “intruders” (mailmen, amazon delivery, food delivery)
b. Begging for food (even after being fed)
c. Being dramatic for absolutely no reason at all
d. Testing carpets for softness (scratching butt on carpets)
9. What’s your dogs favorite scent?
a. Bacon
b. Bacon
c. Bacon
d. Bacon
10. If your dog was a superhero, what would be their superpower?
a. The ability to outrun a Cheetah
b. The ability to move food into their mouth with their mind
c. The ability to catch every single object thrown
d. Flying to their favorite pet store

mostly a’s: Your dog’s fetch style is fun and playful. They love playing outside and feeling the wind in their ears. They will catch everything and anything you throw their way and will ensure lots of laughs and an action packed day.
mostly b’s: Your dog’s fetch style is non-existent. They prefer to lay around indoors and hang by the fire while their owner sits beside them and pet their bellies for endless amounts of hours. If it involves being lazy, your dog is all over it.
mostly c’s: Your dog’s fetch style is dramatic. They will go through the highest leaps to make fetch as dramatic as possible by whining and arguing with you to give the ball back. Your dog will happily make you look like a fool at the dog park and then get home and cuddle beside you as if nothing ever happened.
mostly d’s: Your dog’s fetch style is calm. They’ll play fetch with you for a couple of minutes and then enjoy a nice brisk walk around the neighborhood to tire themselves out and head indoors to relax and possibly do some tricks for treats.